Internationally famous Human & Earth Energy Expert Dr. Avinash Kulkarni established Vastu Aarogyum in year 2000. This is a complete assurance of Health, Wealth and Peace! Vastu Aarogyum is one stop solution for all Vastu Energy, Dowsing, Geopathic Stress and Human Energies related services and queries.
India has a treasure of unlimited knowledge. Our saints & sages have given us this valuable ocean of shashtra's (Science).
Vastu Aarogyum's main objective is to spread the awareness and importance of "Vastu Shastra - An Indian ancient science", for establishing 3H's - Harmony, Happiness, Health & 3P's Peace, Progeny & Prosperity.
Considering this vast goal, we are coming with our own Magazine "Vastu Oorja Prime Times".
"Vastu Oorja Prime Times" is India's only dedicated Magazine on Vastu shastra & Vastu Oorja Shastra. "Vastu Oorja Prime Times" is its unique kind of Magazine must on everybady'''s desk.
"Vastu Oorja Prime Times" is for all of Architects, Interior Designers, Civil Engineers, Vastu Consultants, Building Biologists, Brokers and for all those who have a curious minds regarding our ancients sciences.
"Vastu Oorja Prime Times" is a Quarterly Magazine, for all those who wants to live a happy & prosperous life.